Your Academia application:
Applicants for a student´s place at the Academia de Artes Aplicadas should be 21 years of age or above and should be also an applicant for a higher education within the Creative Businesses as a following fulltime study at a University or Graduate Highschool.
The student could also be part of the ERASMUS program inside the EU and / or attending our program in addition to an already booked and running education in the UK or Europe.
Teaching language is English.
The student should already know basics about Keyboards Play and a musical instrument in addition. This additional instrument could also be covered by good vocal performance knowledge.
Acting and dance experiences are also welcomed, but not required.
As an applicant you do have to answer basic questions in writing about your expectations and goals you want to cover with the Academia de Artes Aplicadas.
We also will then try to integrate you in the Academia´s rules of class by auditioning you via Scype.
Application Closing Date:
Your Application must be sent this year until 16th of December 2017 and all contracts must be signed until the end of this year.
The courses start at 15th of January 2018 at the Costa del Sol, Spain.
Check in at the Campus near Marbella/Malaga will be the 10th of January 2018. The courses of the first bloque will finish at 15th of April 2018.
Student Fee/Duration:
The student has to pay 3.600 € for attending the full 3 Months educational and prodrucing teaching bloque. The fee can be transfered completely to the Academia´s bank account before the courses start or in two packs a´1.850 € starting with deadline at 21st of December and ending at 21st of January to complete the payment.
What you get:
Besides a certificate you will have a presentable Short movie and experience of a foreign European country and perhaps already gain access to jobs and orders of the Industry. Appartement rent for three months is included.